Colin's lived just 31 years

Created by Audrey Churchman 14 years ago
Colin was born in the british Miliary Hospital in Berlin as his father, an army officer, was stationed there. After leaving the army, the family settled in Old Roan, on the outskirts of Liverpool. Colin went to the local primary school and got a scholarship in 1970, just before the move to Hatch End in Middlesex. He then went to Harrow Weald Grammar School for three years before passing the exam to go to Welbeck, the army sixth form college.He also wanted to be an army officer. After passing out at Sandhurst in 1988, he had various posting in England and attained the rank of Major before he was struck down with Cancer and died 10 months later. Colin loved all sports and was delighted to be chosen as a member of the Army crew when the services competed in a 'round the world' race. He skippered the section across the Altantic.